
Starting Snoobi  -- Aloittaminen Snoobilla

We collected the ‘Most-Frequently-Asked-Questions‘ below with references to additional information on our Support Website.

Olemme koonneet alla olevat "Useimmin kysytyt kysymykset" ja antaneet viitteitä tukisivustomme lisätietoihin.


⋙ Installing Snoobi Analytics

To allow Snoobi to collect information about your website, you need to install a piece of code on your website.
That code includes your specific Snoobi Analytics Account code. You will have received the code and instructions from our customer support team. A detailed document can be found here.

Options to install the Snoobi Analytics code

  • Using the WordPress plugin
  • Adding Snoobi code in the Google Tag Manager
  • Adding Snoobi to your SharePoint installation

    Insert the Snoobi code within the HTML of your website, preferrably in a template for your header or footer so it loads on all your website pages.

⋙ Cookies and Privacy Concerns

As with all analytics solutions that collect data from your website visitors, there can be privacy concerns when using Snoobi Analytics. You may already have a cookie consent manager to manage the cookie selections made by visitors. Snoobi never sets 3rd party cookies, so that aspect is automatically covered. Also with Snoobi Analytics, you can select to either set cookies, or do not use cookies at all for fully anonymous analytics. For a complete overview of how Snoobi handles analytics cookies, see this Knowledgebase document.

⋙ Creating and Using a report

There is quite an amount of data and metrics in analytics, and most users concentrate daily or weekly on the most important elements. Then it is less useful to just login to the standard Snoobi interface, select filters, panels and metrics – that would be a waste of valuable time. Snoobi has made it extremely easy to create your own customized report that you can also set as the first analytics dashboard you see after login. All other data remains available of course. You can select to be the only user of the report, or give others access as well. There are a number of reports that were created by our customer support team to get you started.
A detailed article on Snoobi’s custom reports is in our Knowledgebase.

⋙ Creating a new user

With the exception of during a trial period, a Snoobi administrator can simply add additional users who need access to the Snoobi Analytics interface. How many users can be added may depend on the Snoobi Edition.

Snoobi has several user levels, each with their specific access:

  • Snoobi Administrators can change settings, add or remove users etc.
  • Snoobi Users can change personal settings, create filters and manage own reports
  • Snoobi Report recipients can be subscribed to one or more regular e-mail reports.

⋙ Using Time Periods

The default time period when you enter Snoobi Analytics is 7 days — counting back from today. As the data in Snoobi is refreshed within seconds you have an immediate view on the metrics of your website. It’s is easy to select a different time period, or even just ‘today’ for a closer look. With the same ease of use you can select to compare periods, to research if certain metrics are different from the same metrics in a different time period.
There are many options to select specific time periods. Read all about it in this document.

⋙ Managing Report Subscribers

There are many reasons why you want to share the analytics reports that Snoobi provides, these reports show important information about visits to the website. How visitors found you, where they came from, what ‘route’ they took during the visit or the name of the organization, just to name a few important elements. But not everybody needs to have access to all the information or wants to login to Snoobi. It is easy to add subscribers to custom reports, and they can be sent regularly in a variety of formats and with a customized set of metrics and time periods. By doing that, you share the knowledge gained by using Snoobi Analytics to a wider audience and assist in regular decision-making for website projects or campaigns.
Read all about Report and subscribers in this document.

⋙ Using Filters and Segments

The amount of data and metrics in Snoobi Analytics can become quite large, thousands or even millions of events are collected and stored, Snoobi never changes any raw data we receive and your reports are always based on complete uncompressed data. But how can you then ‘zoom in’ on the metrics you need. Of course you can select with columns to view and filter in the Snoobi panels (see this article). But Snoobi has an easy way of segmenting and filtering your data and maintaining these for future use. Consider for instance that you only want to review visitors who came to your site from Facebook and visited a specific page — with the Snoobi Segmentation option you can do that easily and a lot more. Take a look at this Knowledgebase article for details on the segmentation options in Snoobi.