Thank you for your request

Thank you for your request for a Snoobi trial with id: {requestNumber}!

You should have received an e-mail from our system with basic instructions about installing the Snoobi code on your site.
Contact us if you have not received it.
On this page we show you how the process will work to get the most benefits from your trial period with Snoobi.

One of our core values is 'Pro-active service' that means that even for a free trial we do not just provide inlog details and let you find out about everything yourself. Using a new tool can be a challenge even for an easy-to-use product as Snoobi. Our Customer Support assist you during the trial in the same way we would assist a paying client. So there are a few steps to optimize your benefits of using Snoobi.

What are the next basic steps:

  •  Add the Snoobi code to your site
      »» using our Wordpress plugin, Google Tag Manager, SharePoint plugin or manually
  •  Snoobi support receives an alert that the code is placed
      »» before collecting data, we contact you to confirm the domain
  •  Snoobi starts to collect data from your website
      »» we check incoming data, build the reporting structure and contact you to make an online appointment to provide access and review
  •  We have an online meeting to show the first results, we will also make live changes based on your comments
      »» the trial period does start when you have access. You can then also create own reports and we will provide access to other users you designate
  •  You have full access to our Customer Support team for any question you may have
      »» where needed we assist with additional settings or reports
  •  Ultimately 3 weeks after the start of the trial period you will receive a commercial offer.
      »» based on your feedback and what we see in Snoobi, there may be more options to choose from. Offers are valid for 30 days.
  • If we have not received your agreement for a commercial Snoobi, then at the end of the trial period your access to the Snoobi reports will be revoked.
      »» You maintain minimal access and Snoobi will continue to collect data for another 30 days.
  •  30 days after the trial period has ended all access to Snoobi reports will be removed
      »» All information about users and collected data will be removed as well.

We wish you success with setting up Snoobi Analytics and use all the benefits that
Snoobi can deliver to your marketing and sales!